Bitcoin whitepaper On-chain data
Sum of values of UTXO elements with the fixed script output type. At height 854130 we have that circulating supply = 19731439.8664161 =
2627.60489472[nonstandard] +
1724075.11229149[pubkey] +
7225749.11562544[pubkeyhash] +
4260028.05609726[scripthash] +
54.39068206[multisig] +
5300131.63617677[witness_v0_keyhash] +
1147266.97186416[witness_v0_scripthash] +
71506.97341407[witness_v1_taproot] +
Bitcoin on-chain independent research project
Data is available for non-commercial use under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license
Contact: tsypruyan [at] {,}, @tsypruyan